Photo source: NOLA
Super PAC’s influence in the race to be Louisiana’s next Governor is still uncertain. There are at least five Super PAC’s trying to impact the race, and four of the five have already been on TV.
The latest, the Louisiana Water Coalition PAC, made a substantial media buy aggressively going after U.S. Senator David Vitter’s past. Their ad has seemed to generate the most media buzz, and therefore probably having the most impact. The Water Coalition PAC claims to be impartial, although they are promoting the candidacy of John Bel Edwards, Scott Angelle and Jay Dardenne on their website
The Fund for Louisiana Future, the Super PAC supporting Vitter, has been missing from the mix for the most part. There was much anticipation over how aggressively they would attack Vitter’s opponents, but thus far they have been quiet and largely unimpressive. They started with a positive ad, which seemed counter intuitive given that Vitter was running positive at the same time, and then transitioned into a weak attack on Dardenne and Angelle over taxes. It’s hard to believe that internet sales tax will be moving numbers for voters.
We will continue to monitor the advertising traffic for each of the candidates as well as the Super PACs, and we can only hope it gets more interesting.
Updated: Acadiana source says Angelle's Super PAC has increased their ad buy attacking Vitter to over $500,000.