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“Mr. Speaker, over the course of the past 500 days, this Congress has worked with President Trump to pass historic tax cuts and regulatory reform. As a result, this is the strongest economy we have seen in two decades. Many of my colleagues across the aisle, whom I respect, continue to posture otherwise, ignoring the facts. They have dismissed our efforts as 'crumbs,' saying that tax cuts are 'Armageddon.' But outside of this Chamber, outside of the small bubble that is D.C., the real America exists and real Americans who get it. People concerned with earning an honest living and providing for their families, because of tax reform, those families are seeing new jobs created. They are seeing real wage growth. They are seeing new investments in their communities.
Mr. Speaker, I travel throughout the district that I represent. I speak directly to the citizens that I serve. In Lafayette, Abbeville, New Iberia, Lake Charles, everywhere we go, there are real people telling real stories about how tax cuts are improving their lives. Americans that I represent, they have shared their stories about how they are using their tax cut to pay bills, to save for retirement, or to buy new school clothes for the kids. Small business owners across South Louisiana have shared how they are expanding operations and investing in their employees. That is the real impact on families in Louisiana and across America.
This body spent months debating the merits of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act. I and many of my colleagues projected more jobs, more investment, and a stronger economy. We were right. Those projections have become reality: nearly three million new jobs since President Trump was elected; one million new jobs since we passed historic tax cuts; unemployment at its lowest point in half a century; consumer confidence at a 17-year high; small business optimism at an all-time high; and real GDP growth projected at over four percent for 2018. Let me share that I have read the Book of Revelation. This is no 'Armageddon.' This is a historically strong economy fueled by tax cuts and regulatory reform. Mr. Speaker, America is back. We are open for business, and Americans will continue to benefit from the pro-growth conservative policies of President Trump and this Republican Congress.”