The following was provided to Cajun Conservatism by former State Senator Troy Hebert, District 22, consisting of Iberia and St. Martin Parishes:
Photo source: Wikipedia
The only thing dark politics is afraid of is light. So here is a little sunshine!
The powers that be have a plan to reapportion State Senate District 22 that will diminish our voting strength in Iberia and St. Martin Parishes and move the power base to Lafayette Parish. For the last fifty plus years the Senator has come from either Iberia or St. Martin Parish. Under this new district the Senator will either come from Lafayette Parish or be beholden to Lafayette Parish.
This plan will carve out and dissect large sections of voters in Iberia/St. Martin and give them to other Senators from surrounding areas. They will replace them with voters from Lafayette parish, in particular Broussard and Youngsville, thereby diluting our voting strength tremendously. For decades, 95% of Senate District 22 was Iberia/ St. Martin Parishes only. This guaranteed us our own Senator.
This secret plan has been developed to favor a certain senate candidate that will be more favorable to Lafayette Parish than other candidates who’s allegiance is only to Iberia/ St. Martin. They will hide behind and say that the 2020 population has shifted. Yet, the fact is the population in Iberia(70k) and St. Martin (53k) has just the right amount of people to support a senate district which needs to be around 120k people.
The legislature will go into special session in January to finalize the redistricting of the state for the next ten years according to the 2020 Census. However, before they do, the house and senate committees in charge of reapportionment are holding meetings across the state to get public input. The one for our area will be held on October 26th in Lafayette at the University of Louisiana Atchafalaya Ballroom from 5:30-8:30 pm. If you would like Iberia/St. Martin to keep it’s state senator, then you should attend this meeting or contact our local Legislative delegation and voice your objections to splitting up our state senate seat.
Former State Senator Troy Hebert