Photo source: Health Freedom Louisiana
The following was written by the newest Health Freedom Louisiana team member, Katie Green.
Imagine, if you will, a company so powerful that it controlled all the other companies; an industry so dominating, it was at the helm of the hospitals, the schools, government, and the entire country’s healthcare system. Now imagine that same company could harm individuals without having to suffer even a single consequence. Envision the hospital your grandmother resides in or the school your 5 yr old son is applying to next year entirely protected from any form of accountability or liability.
The majority of Americans believe that the large companies, agencies, and systems that “serve” them are all independently run. They are blissfully unaware of the hard hitting fact that the industries who dominate our lives collude, partner, and intertwine intimately together in an incestuous relationship with the government to shape the everyday existence of our domain. The landscape in which the public interacts with day in and day out traces back to the path of big pharma and its never-ending dance with monetary incentive.
The pharmaceutical companies are personally responsible for the engineered belief that toxins are healthy, children are born broken, immune systems don’t exist, and illness needs to be prevented with a cocktail of physiological mayhem.
Read more: You Can't Sue Pharma and Our Children Pay the Price