Posts filed under Louisiana

State Representative John Stefanksi Announces Bid for Louisiana Attorney General

Photo source: Louisiana House of Representatives

Posted on October 3, 2022 and filed under Louisiana.

SKRMETTA: Speaking Out Against the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2022 (“EISA”)

About EISA: Introduced in Senate (02/28/2022) This bill addresses U.S. energy independence, the production and importation of oil and natural gas, and the rescission of specified environmental requirements. Specifically, the bill directs the President to develop a plan for the United States to achieve energy independence by 2024.

Posted on September 29, 2022 and filed under Louisiana, Oil and Gas.

Fighting For American Energy And State Sovereignty, Attorney General Jeff Landry Leads Opposition To “Permitting-Reform” Bill

Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry leads 18 state coalition in critical letter to Senate Leadership 

BATON ROUGE, LA – Citing economic, legal, and procedural issues – Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry is leading a coalition of 18 states in vocal opposition to the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2022. The state chief legal officers slammed the proposed legislation by U.S. Senator Joe Manchin as a back-door attempt to impose the failed Clean Power Plan.

“The Biden Administration and its allies in Congress are attempting to not only force unreliable renewables on hard-working Americans, but also turn those consumers into bigger pawns of the green energy industry,” said Attorney General Landry. “The DC elites, in a rushed process, want to restrict the electric power grid by repealing the traditional authority of the states to regulate their own resources and utility policies.”

In their letter to Senate Leadership, Attorney General Landry and his colleagues explain how Manchin’s dangerous proposal contains three interrelated provisions that, particularly when taken together, eviscerate states’ ability to chart their own land-use and energy policies.

“First, it would authorize private companies to use eminent domain against state land. Second, it would authorize FERC to command utilities to construct entirely new transmission facilities whenever and wherever FERC deems necessary. And third, it would authorize companies to spread costs of constructing new transmission facilities onto residents of other states, requiring citizens of one state to subsidize the agenda of citizens in other states,” wrote the attorneys general. “These provisions eviscerate state sovereign authority, commandeer companies to carry out the will of a three-vote majority of FERC Commissioners, undermine the power of each citizens’ vote to decide policies at the state level, and inevitably force the citizens of our states to subsidize the costs of expensive energy policy preferences of California and New York.”

They also added that the measure – which is expected to be taken up without committee hearings or great public input – is an attack on federalism, providing broad new authority to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) that could unravel traditional authority between the states and the federal government.

“We have spent nearly a decade defending our states against the overreaching and illegal Clean Power Plan – eventually winning at the U.S. Supreme Court; this new Act seeks to undo that work,” explained Attorney General Landry. “Allowing private companies to use eminent domain and pass costs to residents does not equate to independence or security; just more profits off the backs of working families.”

Joining Attorney General Landry in the letter are the attorneys general from Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia.


Posted on September 27, 2022 and filed under Jeff Landry, Louisiana, Oil and Gas.

Judge Dismisses Defamation Lawsuit Against Citizens for a New Louisiana

A Louisiana judge has dismissed a defamation lawsuit that a librarian filed against two men and a conservative organization last month over statements they made criticizing her for supporting the inclusion in a library of books involving the LGBTQ community.

Amanda Jones, who is a middle school librarian and the president of the Louisiana Association of School Librarians, filed the lawsuit after she said she was publicly attacked for opposing censorship and “book policing.” The conservative advocacy group Citizens for a New Louisiana, led by Michael Lunsford, and Ryan Thames made a series of posts online criticizing Jones, but the judge ruled that their statements were ones of opinion and not fact.

Read more: Judge dismisses librarian’s defamation lawsuit following conservative attacks over LGBTQ books

Posted on September 23, 2022 and filed under Louisiana.

Chairman Louis Gurvich:Last Tuesday Was A Very, Very Bad Day for Joe Biden

Last Tuesday, the proverbial straw broke the camel’s back. Or rather I should say, the donkeys’ backs. The donkeys, of course, being Joe Biden and his administration, the Democrat majorities in both houses of Congress, and the entire woke political and media establishment (if you care to make a distinction).

And the little straw which caused the demise of this herd of jack…, er, donkeys? Why, it was none other than the Consumer Price Index (CPI), a tiny little two digit number (you had better hope it is a two digit number), which is reported every month by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, and then flashed across news screens across the country.

This month’s number happens to be 8.3%, which as I mentioned above was reported last Tuesday. That was extremely unfortunate timing for Joe Biden, who was celebrating the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act at the White House on the very same day. Of course, the Inflation Reduction Act was never designed to reduce inflation in the first place - it was a Democrat giveaway which will actually make inflation worse, but Joe Biden doesn't think the American public will ever figure this out. 

In case you are not a regular follower of economic statistics, you may well ask just what the Hell is the CPI, and that is an excellent question. After all, even the behemoth federal government which rules our lives in so many ways, pays obeisance to this little number. It is as if a tiny mouse were leading an enraged Godzilla through the city on a leash, but such is life in our time.

Now the CPI is nothing more than the measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by consumers for a basket of goods and services. Simple as that. You can pick and choose what’s in the basket, but once you pick your stuff, it has to remain the same. Every now and then, you add up all the prices for all the goods and services in the basket. That way, you can measure how much prices have changed over time. If the prices keep going up, we call that inflation. If the prices go down, we call that deflation, but you probably won’t need to use the D-word as long as Joe Biden is your president.

So the CPI measures inflation. You’ve no doubt heard that word a lot. Just what is inflation? Well, if I purchased a gallon of gas at the pump in January, 2021, for, say $2.25 per gallon, and then I purchased a gallon of the same gas in September, 2022 for, say, $3.75 per gallon, the dollar and fifty cent difference is inflation, and the percentage change in price is the inflation rate (67%). Likewise for an apple which goes up five cents, or a lawnmower which goes up $50, or a service like mowing your lawn which goes up $10 a week.

Now here’s inflation’s dirty little trick: Recall that the CPI went up by 8.3% over the same time last year. You could say that prices went up 8.3%, or the purchasing power of your dollars went down by 8.3%- it is the same thing, actually. That hundred dollar bill in your pocket can now buy only $91.70 in goods and services. That ten thousand dollars in savings that you worked so hard to accumulate is now worth only $9,170!

Maybe you received a raise over the last year to make up for some or all of your lost purchasing power, but you still lost 8.3% of every dollar you own. And the news gets worse, because while you lost 8.3% of every dollar you owned over the last year, remember that Joe Biden has been your president for longer than one year. The inflation rate since his "reign" began is closer to 12% or 13%. Feeling a bit light in the wallet lately? You certainly should...

How is all this possible, you may ask? You heard about inflation in the 70’s and 80’s, but we learned how to correct the problem, didn’t we? We’ve had inflation under control for over forty years. Inflation was under 2% when Donald Trump was our president less than two years ago.  So what happened?

Bad... no, not just bad, but absolutely terrible government happened. That doddering ‘moderate’ Democrat whom we elected in November of 2020, wasn’t a moderate Democrat after all. He fooled a lot of people into thinking he was a moderate Democrat, but he had a lot of help from unscrupulous organizations and individuals. Since the day he was elected, however, he’s been a shill for the most extreme element of the Democrat Party. In fact, woke Progressive Democrats aren’t really even Democrats, just America-hating Marxists hiding from public view, and they happen to control both houses of Congress and the Presidency of the United States!

Biden and the Progressive Democrats have spent trillions and trillions of dollars at a relentless pace since the day they took the reigns of power, all in the name of equity, green energy, pandemic relief, and any other woke causes they could think of. Now every sane economist knows that once you start flooding an economy with trillions and trillions of dollars in spending, prices go up. There is simply too much money chasing a limited number of goods and services, so people start paying a little more to get what they want while it’s still available. That’s what causes inflation, and it could get a lot worse.

Make no mistake: Biden and the Democrats will keep on spending until they are stopped, or the United States effectively goes broke and destroys our economic well-being for a generation or more. That’s what woke Democrats do; that’s all they know how to do. They don’t understand anything about business or wealth accumulation because so few of their leaders have ever held real jobs. They are almost all community activists, lifelong bureaucrats, or lawyers; almost never businessmen, accountants, or economists.

And that brings us back to the importance of Tuesday's little CPI number. You see, until Tuesday the Biden administration and its compliant press minions could maintain the fiction that inflation was going down, energy was getting cheaper, and all would be well in the end. The fact is that the only reason that oil and gas prices have gone down is because people are driving less due to the economic recession and winter is not yet here.

Energy prices will soon go back up, and as we now know thanks to the CPI report, inflation continues to rage. That is to say that inflation is still stealing our hard-earned money right out of our pockets, and it keeps on stealing from us every second of every day. And to bring down inflation, the government must keep raising interest rates to make it harder and harder for folks like us to borrow money to buy a house, or finance a business, or just  pay our bills as the value of our money keeps declining.

This awful mess should make you mad, very mad, because it was all foreseeable and avoidable, but Joe Biden and the Democrats had higher priorities than you, your family, and our country. You can stop this insanity by voting Republican on Tuesday, November 8th, for a better America!

And one more thing: Only the tens of millions of members of the Republican Party have the strength in numbers and in resources to resist the Democrats’ plans. Love and respect for America and its achievements aren’t something to be ashamed of in our party. We believe that parents should control their children’s upbringing, and Americans should be free to live their lives as they choose with minimal governmental interference. If you aren’t yet a member of the LAGOP, please go to and become a Republican. Most folks can register to vote or change their party registration on the Internet. 

Republican Party of Louisiana

Posted on September 17, 2022 and filed under LAGOP, Louisiana, Republicans.

The U.S. Needs a New Offshore Oil & Gas Leasing Program

Photo source: Louisiana Proud, Energy Strong

America needs energy policy grounded in reality. The administration should support policies that allow for safe, affordable, and reliable supplies of all forms of energy, including offshore oil and natural gas, and encourage the continued investment of technologies that help in decarbonization efforts while funding critical coastal resilience and conservation work to protect America’s Working Coast. This means the next offshore oil and gas leasing program should be finalized as quickly as possible and include all 10 reasonable and reliable lease sales scheduled.

We cannot flip a switch on our energy sources; a reality-based energy policy acknowledges the lengthy transition required to ensure the continued availability of affordable energy supplies and the need to mitigate against the dire consequences of an energy crisis grounded in constant price shocks and high-cost energy.  

American offshore oil and gas production offers a smart path forward.

The U.S. offshore provides abundant energy supplies, helping to keep prices down, and it provides oil supplies that are recognized as some of the lowest carbon barrels in the world. However, there is an unprecedented gap in the federal offshore oil and gas leasing program; no new lease sales can be held without a program in place. American energy policy is in uncharted waters, and a course correction is needed.

  • With a 5-year offshore leasing program, the Gulf of Mexico is projected to produce an average of 2.6 million barrels per day of oil and natural gas from 2022 – 2040. A delay in the program could mean nearly 500,000 barrels per day less over that time period.

  • 370,000 American jobs are supported by Gulf of Mexico offshore production. Nearly 60,000 of those could be lost without a 5-year offshore leasing program. Direct jobs supporting the offshore oil and gas industry pay on average $69,650. That’s 29% higher than the national average salary.

  • On average, $1.5 billion per year in government revenue could be lost with reduced offshore production. That revenue is used for public education, infrastructure, conservation projects, coastal restoration, hurricane protection programs, and many other critical programs.

  • The U.S. offshore already produces among the lowest carbon barrels of the oil-producing regions. Limiting U.S. production would hurt global GHG emissions progress. Furthermore, the world would lose a source of lower carbon energy transition progress with reduced activity in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico. The diverse ecosystem of companies that team up to produce low-carbon barrels of oil from the Gulf of Mexico is innovating incredible solutions for addressing the climate challenge.

As geopolitical tensions rise and energy prices remain at historically high levels, the world is looking to America for energy leadership and stability. An offshore leasing program with no sales is a non-starter that will hamstring our county’s future flexibility, undermine our national security, and make energy even more expensive.

The Department of the Interior must swiftly issue a Final 5-year Program for offshore leasing that includes all 11 proposed sales. A stronger Gulf of Mexico means a stronger America.

Read more: The U.S. Needs a New Offshore Oil & Gas Leasing Program

Posted on September 16, 2022 and filed under Louisiana, Oil and Gas.

Breaking: St. Mary Parish Officials Take Stand for Industry

Thank you, DA Duhe and Parish Council, for your support of oil and natural gas in South Louisiana.

Last night, the St. Mary Parish Council voted against a resolution to support the "Freeport MaMoRan Settlement," standing with Terrebonne, Lafourche and Vermilion parishes against misguided legal action against Louisiana's oil and natural gas industry. This settlement has failed at the legislature twice already.

This definitive decision by the St. Mary Parish Council, paired with comments from DA Duhe and Parish President Hanagriff, show that St. Mary Parish is committed to working with Louisiana’s oil and natural gas industry, not against it.

Parish Councilmembers, along with DA Duhe, voiced support for the industry and spoke to the ramifications of these lawsuits.

"These lawsuits have hurt Louisiana and they are going to hurt St. Mary Parish if we participate in this. The only ones that come out in this deal are the trial attorneys and they stand to make millions," said Councilman Scott Ramsey.

Parish President David Hanagriff said that he was on record for being against the legal action.

DA Duhe also expressed his opposition to the lawsuits.

“I said it from the very beginning that I would not file a lawsuit against these companies. My family has had oil and gas production on properties since the 1930’s. I realize how important an industry this is. I realize the benefit it has brought to our communities.”

DA Duhe further added, “I will continue to stay by this statement that I have not filed a lawsuit, I won’t file a lawsuit, here, now or in the future.”

Thank you to St. Mary Parish leaders for voicing opposition to lawsuits against the industry and for showing strong support for standing behind oil and gas today and in the future.

Posted on September 15, 2022 and filed under Louisiana, Oil and Gas.

LOGA Responds to BOEM’s Reinstatement of Lease Sale 257 Bids

In compliance with the Inflation Reduction Act, the Bureau of Energy Management (BOEM) announced today that the 307 highest value bids from Lease Sale 257 held in November of 2021 would be reinstated, totaling $189,888,271. The bids had been invalidated by a federal judge earlier this year.

In response Louisiana Oil & Gas Association President Mike Moncla issued the following statement:

“This has been a long time coming. On behalf of the Louisiana Oil & Gas Association, I want to thank Attorney General Jeff Landry for his strong, capable leadership that helped make this lease sale possible.

While the oil and gas industry focuses on creating jobs and fostering economic investment in Louisiana, President Biden and the Democrats continue to promote harmful regulations that hurt American families.

The President fought as hard as he could to stop this sale from happening. But through the work of Jeff Landry, justice has prevailed.

This lease sale is an important victory, not only for the 250,000+ oil and gas workers in the state but for every American who is facing high energy costs as a result of our diminished oil and gas supply.

We look forward to working with Attorney General Landry as we continue our opposition to the Biden administration’s failed energy policies that have hindered our true potential as the energy powerhouse of the world.”

Posted on September 14, 2022 and filed under Oil and Gas, Louisiana.

Hearing in Ways and Means Committee on Eliminating Louisiana Income Tax

Photo source: Louisiana House Page

The Louisiana House Ways and Means Committee met Tuesday to begin study of a proposal to eliminate the state’s individual and corporate income taxes. During the 2022 regular session, the legislature passed House Resolution 178, sponsored by Rep. Richard Nelson, R-Mandeville, to study the state’s tax structure and recommend whether state income taxes should be eliminated and how the state’s many tax exemptions and credits could be reformed.

At Tuesday’s hearing, Nelson told the committee the state’s complicated tax structure is a reason why it continues to lose population. Louisiana has not added a congressional seat since 1910 and instead loses an average of one district every 20 years, he noted.

“At the end of the day, we’re a banana republic that’s run out of bananas,” Nelson said.

Read more: Nelson pitches end of Louisiana income tax to lawmakers

Brought to you by Cajun Conservatism
Posted on September 14, 2022 and filed under Louisiana.

Louisiana Comes in 9th on Heritage's Education Freedom List

Posted on September 12, 2022 and filed under Education, Louisiana.

Higgins Urges Department Of Transportation To Approve Mega Grant For I-10 Calcasieu River Bridge

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) is calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) to schedule H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, for a vote on the House floor.
The bill, which would repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), exceeded 290 co-sponsors in July and was moved to the consensus calendar. However, the bill has not been formally scheduled for a vote and could be delayed until the end of November.
“We are respectfully asking Speaker Pelosi to bring the Social Security Fairness Act for a vote on the House floor. If you pay into Social Security, you should be able to collect your fair share when the time comes,” said Congressman Higgins. “Too many seniors are unfairly penalized by the GPO and WEP, and this injustice must be corrected. I am a co-sponsor of the bill, and we strongly support its passage.”

Posted on September 12, 2022 and filed under Clay Higgins, Louisiana.

Higgins Reintroduces Legislation To Combat Foreign Seafood Dumping

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Clay Higgins (R-LA) has reintroduced H.R. 8732, the Imported Seafood Safety Standards Act of 2022, which protects American consumers and small businesses from foreign seafood dumping.

The bill prohibits the import of foreign seafood that fails to meet U.S. standards for seafood manufacturing, processing, and holding. It also establishes a program for foreign seafood inspection and imposes real penalties for importers and countries that routinely violate U.S. laws.

Historically, only a small percentage of seafood imports have been inspected as they enter the United States, and foreign bad actors often use illegal additives while relying on enslaved workers to harvest seafood. These bad actors are notorious for falsely labeling imports to avoid detection by the FDA. This irresponsible and illegal dumping of seafood imports hurts American consumers and the Gulf seafood industry.

The full bill text is available here.

Congressman Higgins issued the following statement:

"Congress must act against illegal seafood dumping. Foreign seafood imports should be held to American standards. The seafood industry is a critical part of Louisiana’s culture and economy. This legislation combats illegal foreign seafood dumping and protects American producers.”

Posted on September 12, 2022 and filed under Clay Higgins, Louisiana.

LMOGA President Discusses Importance of Domestic O&G Production

Tommy Faucheux with LMOGA discusses the importance and need for domestic energy production, how it would affect the nation and Louisiana, in general, as well as carbon capture.

Posted on September 12, 2022 and filed under Louisiana, Oil and Gas.

Walton and Johnson Agree that Erotic Content Has No Place in Children's Section of Library

In regards to the news story of Michael Lunsford being sued by a librarian in Livingston Parish for defamation, the subject was discussed on the Walton and Johnson show recently.

Read more about the defamation proceeding here: Hearing on librarian’s lawsuit against ‘defamatory’ social media posts gets continued

Posted on September 9, 2022 and filed under Louisiana.

New Iberia Research Center to Become Hotspot For Biotech

Two new projects in Iberia Parish are catapulting Acadiana into a biopharmaceutical powerhouse.

The new facilities at the New Iberia Research Center will allow researchers to test and manufacture drugs and vaccines.

State and parish leaders say the projects will create hundreds of jobs and save thousands of lives across the globe.

Read more: New Iberia Research Center to become hotspot for biotech

Posted on August 31, 2022 and filed under Louisiana.

LOGA Responds to Permanent Injunction Issued on Biden Ban on New Oil And Gas Leasing

BATON ROUGE, LA (August 30, 2022) - Yesterday, U.S. District Court Judge Terry Doughty sided with Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry and 12 other states in a Louisiana-led lawsuit, issuing a permanent injunction against the Biden administration’s moratorium on new oil and gas leases on federal lands and water.

In response, LOGA President Mike Moncla issued the following statement:

“This ruling is a huge win for domestic energy production in the Gulf of Mexico. The Biden administration, from the day he was sworn in, has declared war on the oil and gas industry.

Prices at the pump have skyrocketed. Our Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been depleted. We’ve slowly become less and less energy independent. Now, we can get back to being the energy powerhouse of the world.

I’m relieved to see that our system of checks and balances saw to it that Biden way overstepped his authority when banning these lease sales.

I’d like to thank Attorney General Jeff Landry for his diligent work in fighting for domestic production in the Gulf of Mexico.”

Posted on August 30, 2022 and filed under Joe Biden, Jeff Landry, Louisiana, Oil and Gas.